StoreMaster: Downloading and setting up drawers for CabMaster

StoreMaster: Downloading and setting up drawers for CabMaster

StoreMaster is our way of downloading all the Drawers, Materials, Handles and other tables and files we have available to expand your CabMaster and increase your productivity. 
This guide will take you through the process of adding new Drawers to your CabMaster in 4 simple steps. And it's Free!

This guide is suitable for CabMaster V12.0.0.71 with library
If you are using an older version of CabMaster have a look at THIS Guide, there's a few extra steps. 

1. Accessing StoreMaster
2. Downloading Drawer Table
3. Installing Drawer Tables into CabMaster
4. Selecting a Runner Set

1. Accessing StoreMaster
In CabMaster Version 12 you can find a button to our StoreMaster webpage in Drawing Properties > Hardware > Managers

2. Downloading Drawer Tables 
a. From the Main Screen of StoreMaster scroll down and click on 'Drawer Runners

b. Choose the brand of drawer you'd like to download by clicking on the brand logo.
     Each brand will display all the drawer models that are currently available. 

c. Click 'Add to cart' for each drawer model you'd like to download.  

d. Once you have selected all the tables you'd like to download you can click on the Cart.

e. In the Cart you can review your order and click 'Proceed to checkout'

f.  Upon filling in the details, make sure you have ticked the agreement and click 'Place Order'
Beware that you need to put in the correct email address to get an email copy of your order. 

g. After processing, you will be re-directed to another page. Scroll down the page, you can now download the DrawerModel.smz under 'Download:'
If you don't get redirected, or there's an issue, you can also find a link to download the file within an email that will have sent to you, as provided in step 2f during checkout.

3. Installing the Tables into CabMaster

a. Back in CabMaster, open Drawing Properties and navigate to Hardware > Managers
Click on the StoreMaster: Install downloaded file

b. Follow the prompt and select the StoreMaster SMZ file to be installed. 

c. Navigate to the folder location that the SMZ was downloaded into, Choose 1 SMZ and click Open. 
Only 1 SMZ can be installed at a time. 

4. Selecting a Runner Set

a. Now that your new runner tables are installed, all you need to do is select the Runner Set. 
You can find all the new Runner Sets in the Drawing Properties > Hardware > Manages window.
There are 5 dropdowns; RunnerSet1,  RunnerSet2, RunnerSet3, RunnerSet4 and RunnerSet5. 
You will find your new drawers in one of these dropdowns. 

b. Ensure that the Default Runner Group in Drawing Properties Hardware > Drawers matches the Runner Set you have just selected. 

If you have any issues after following this guide, Contact Support on +61 3 9040 2000,

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