Dimension Lines
This HowTo document will detail the:
- Dimension Tool
- Removing Dimension Lines
- Auto Dimension Tool
- Auto Dimension Whole Page
- Dimension
Set and Property Sheet
Dimensions are associative. This means that if you re-size a
cabinet that you have dimensioned, then the dimension lines will update
accordingly. Turning on ‘Snap to Handle’ will ensure that the dimensioning
command tool will know which cabinet handle they are meant to be associated
with. 'Snap to Handle' is located on View tab in the ‘Snapping’ group of

There are several quick and easy ways to do this e.g. Tape Measure or placing a
shorter cabinet and then dragging a handle to stretch to correct size. However,
often it is an advantage to see all the dimensions while working and here is
where this tool is useful.
We are going to accurately place a small cabinet into a
wider gap using the ‘Dimension’ tool, located on the Annotate tab, to calculate
the gap between the two filler cabinets placed.
The dimension tool works in a 3-click process.
After selecting the ‘Dimension’ tool:
- First
click defines where you want the dimension to appear,
- Second
click is where you want the measurement to start from,
- Final
click defines where you want to measure to.

TIP: You can set label and line properties as desired by
right clicking on Dimension tool command and select ‘Format Dimension Tool...’
from presented menu. This will open a
‘Property Sheet’ to allow you to change label and line properties.
For more details refer to CabMaster Pro Help Topics [F1] from within your software i.e. Property Sheets / Drawing Tools / Dimension
Removing Dimension Lines
- Turn on the ‘Select’ tool
- Move mouse over dimension lines you want to
remove, until handles appear on this area
- Click left mouse button to select dimension line
(Should now appear light grey)
- Simply hit the ‘Delete’ key or right
click on the handle and choose ‘Clear’ on drop down menu.
This tool allows you to automatically place a Dimension Set long a specified cabinet or wall.
All you do is:
- Select 'Auto Dimension > Tool' from the Annotate
- Then
click on the wall along which you want the dimensions.
You can also just right click on a wall or single cabinet
and select 'Auto Dimension'. Once they are placed, you can edit these DimSets
manually as normal.
Auto Dimension Whole Page
‘Auto Dimension > Whole Page’ is a handy feature, which tries
to place DimSets on along each wall in the drawing in the best way it can find.
Of course, if final product is not exactly how you prefer it
done, you can always rearrange it to your liking. If you change the properties
of the DimSet tool after auto-dimensioning the whole page, you can update the
automatic DimSets simply by clicking the command again.
NOTE: This will only affect the DimSets originally created by the Auto Dimension
tool, i.e. If you added some extra DimSets manually they will not be affected.
When you select the ‘Auto Dimension Whole Page’ option the
dimension lines should be added as per the illustration.
If you wish to use this feature, then it is advisable to
activate very early in your drawing, as it can take a long time to activate on
complicated drawings.
If you get the wrong results here, your default DimSet tool
settings may be incorrect. Read on below for further information.
Dimension Set
Dimension Sets offer more powerful features which allow you to
dimension drawings quickly and effectively. Dimension Sets (or DimSets) are
collections of dimension lines where each line can be measuring a different
part of a drawing.
manually format and change dimension lines offset for each type of measurement,
right click on tool and select ‘Format Dimension Set Tool’ from drop down menu.
Trouble Shooting
Load - If you click on the tool and nothing happens then
use the ‘Load…’ option to select available DimSet
(.qtd) files.
Save As - You can also create DimSets (.qtd files) to
suit your own requirements. Simply change the settings as discussed below and ‘Save
As…’ For example, ‘DimSet with Kickboard.qtd’ was created so that Kickboards
would be measured.
The following will discuss each page of the Dimension Set
Tool property sheet.
Lines page
A list of all the ‘Dimension Lines’ in the current DimSet is
The checkboxes
next to the line names
indicate whether the lines are displayed on this DimSet or not. This means you
could have one standard DimSet which has every different type of line you ever
need, and only display the ones you want to use for each DimSet e.g. ‘DimSet
with Kickboard’ with only dimension lines for kickboards.
Add new lines or remove old ones by using the applicable tools located
just above the list of Dimension Lines. You can also Copy/Paste the List.
‘In Front’ and ‘Behind’ determine how close a cabinet must be to a
wall for it to be counted in dimensioning.
** The values are for the whole DimSet, not on an
individual line basis.
If you have some cabinets which
do not reach all the way back to a wall, you can increase the ‘In Front’ value
to the width of the gap so that they will be taken into account when that wall
is dimensioned.
Line Style page
Dim Line dropdown menu allows you to select which line of
the DimSet you are working on.
Offsets - If offsets are set to the same value all the lines will be on top
of each other, making it hard to view. Notice that there is an ‘Offset’ box.
Each type is automatically set an appropriate ‘Offset’ value, but these can be
changed manually here.
The following controls let you
specify the length, colour and style of the lines. You can turn them on and off
using the button icon on the left.
Arrows drop down - Used to specify and display arrows on
the end of dimension lines. The edit box on the right of ‘Arrows’ sets the
length of the arrow heads in real-world dimensions.
Ticks drop down - They are the same as those for the
arrowheads, so you can turn them on and off using the button icon on the left.
Stems drop down - These are the lines which
extend from the ticks to the object being dimensioned and are typically drawn
with a lighter dashed line style.
Lines drop
down - Like the other parts of the
dimension, you can hide or display dimension lines using the icon button.
Colour - You can change
the line colour and look. To change colour, double-click on coloured boxes. A
‘Colour’ option box as shown will be presented for selection.
Aggregated A
dimension line usually shows the width of each cabinet that is measured by the
dimension, but sometimes you might wish to display only the total length of the
line instead. Checking the Aggregated box means the dimension line will not be
broken up into multiple measurements but will collect all the lengths into a
single dimension. These two images show the difference between a normal and
aggregated dimension along a row of cabinets.
Any sub-dimensions which disappear when you tick the
Aggregated box are only hidden, not deleted, so unticking it will show all the
individual measurements again.
Line Filters page
Include - You can check or clear these depending on
which types of cabinet you want included in the dimension calculations. These
can be set differently for each line in the DimSet.
Height Range - Allows you to set the upper and lower
boundaries of the line. Any cabinets within these boundaries will be dimensioned
with that line.
Line Label page
page allows you to change the appearance of labels. The example below shows the
Upper_Cabinets measurements in red (Font = Arial).
Dim Line drop down provides you with a list for selecting
the current line in the set.
Angle Field - Be aware that the angle field on the Label tab
is relative to the angle of the line, it is not an absolute angle, so setting
this to zero degrees will always print text along the line.

Extra Note on Colour:
The colours can be
set on the Line
Style page to show you what
dimension line is represented. There is normally more than one way to achieve
the same effect, as discussed on the previous page.

TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf