Auto Cutback
The ‘Auto
Cutback’ steps are as follows:
- Select the
cabinet from ‘Library’ list and place it on the drawing page. Remember to keep the mouse button pressed.
- Move the cabinet
into position with the ‘Ctrl’ key held down.
- Release the mouse
- Then release the
‘Ctrl’ key.
See also CabMaster Designer Getting
Started & Tutorial manual – Lesson 4
For this tutorial place two
Floor Cabinets on your drawing with a gap in between of less than 950mm as we
will place another cabinet in between to demonstrate the use of Auto Cutback.
Select View > Zoom Box
from the Zoom group.
- Move the mouse
towards the two cabinets.
- You will notice
that, once the mouse enters the drawing page, a magnifying glass appears
- Move the
magnifying glass to the location that you wish to start (shown top LHS)
- Click the mouse and with
the mouse button still depressed, drag to draw a box around the area that you
want to zoom in on.
When you release the mouse key, the drawing image will
have increased dramatically to show you the selected area.
- Choose a cabinet that
is similar to the one you need regardless of the size. For the purpose of this
lesson we have chosen the ‘Floor Drawer’ which has a default width of 600mm
i.e. greater than the available space.
- Use the ‘Auto
Cutback’ feature to place a cabinet in this vacant area.
- Select the
cabinet from Cabinet list and, keeping the mouse depressed, place the cabinet
on the drawing page. Refer to the following diagram for placement:
- With the mouse button still
hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key. Drag the cabinet backwards until it is flush with the
wall but still overlapping the cabinet beside it. (see diagram below
- Release the mouse
button and the cabinet will shrink to fit exactly into the available space.
- Finally, release
the ‘Ctrl’ key
The program cuts the cabinet back to the available
size which in this example is 400mm.

TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf