Drawer Runner Sets Explained - V10.1

Drawer Runner Sets Explained - V10.1

VIDEO LINK: Please follow the link to Drawer Runner Sets Video

Runner Sets

Runner Sets allow the creation of any number of sets of runners for each group, along with the heights at which they should be used (up to 5 runners per set). Default sets for each group can then be selected at drawing/catalog and cabinet level. Then as the cabinet is reformatted and the available drawer space changes, the appropriate runner will automatically be selected.

Runner Sets can be accessed from the Hardware category, Managers page and allows the creation of any number of sets of runners for each group, along with the heights at which they should be used (up to 5 runners per set).

The Runner Sets themselves are held in tables in ...Table/RunnerSets/... accessed from the Hardware category.

There are 5 tables:
  1. RunnerSet1.qlt - for Standard
  2. RunnerSet2.qlt - for Metal Standard (example of 'Form' and 'Table' below)
  3. RunnerSet3.qlt - for Premium Metal
  4. RunnerSet4.qlt - for Basket
  5. RunnerSet5.qlt - for Corner
The height is the available space in the cabinet - not the drawer front height. Therefore, the drawer front minus any required gap below the drawer box minus any required gap above the drawer box. For example, if it is the top drawer, a rail will interfere with it.

Example of available drawer space is calculated as follows:
      [Front Height] - [bottom drawer overlap](if applicable) - [Top Gap + Top/Rail Thickness](if applicable)
      With a top drawer front at 162, the space for the Top Drawer is 162 - 16 - (20+16) = 110.
      So it does NOT include the gap beneath the drawer.

'Based on Front Height Only', if checked, CabMaster will set the height automatically based on the panel height. To use this option the Runner Set table must have a column "FH" (No - default. Yes - use Front Height Only)

The defaults can be overridden at Drawing level, shown below left, and at Cabinet level, below right.

When the runner or hinge set is 'updated' using the Drawing/Catalog properties, the current drawing or catalog is automatically updated.

In the Catalog/Drawing properties, the default Runner Set can be changed via the 'Edit' button as per below.
  1. Amend as required. Use 'Rest' button if you need to go back to the details prior to you making changes.
  2. When correct and finished, use 'Update' button and 'Apply'.

TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf

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