Pricing Drawer Runners
Drawer Runners are grouped into
one of three ‘Runner Groups’ and accessed from the Pricing category:
- Standard
- Metal Standard (includes Metabox) and
- Metal Premium (includes TandemBox and Innotech)
Each of these
groups has its own construction rules and tables. A drawer runner file is
required for each runner type, which is the reason why you select the runner type from the
dropdown on the left side. Within this file there is a row for each length in
which the runner is available.
The Pricing
category allows you to select the choice, detail, pricing and
machining data for drawer runners.
To change the “Cost” you will need to use the ‘Edit Table’ button which will open the
selected table as per example below. The first column contains the cost price
for each runner length. There is also a “Markup” column.
Runner Sets can be accessed from the Hardware
category, Managers page and allows the creation of any number of
sets of runners for each group,
along with the heights at which they should be used (up to 5 runners per set).
The Runner sets themselves are held in tables in …Table/RunnerSets/…
accessed from the Hardware category.
are 5 tables -for more details see CM-Cabinets Help Topics:
1. RunnerSet1.qlt - for Standard
2. RunnerSet2.qlt - for Metal Standard
3. RunnerSet3.qlt - for Premium Metal
4. RunnerSet4.qlt - for Basket
5. RunnerSet5.qlt - for Corner

TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf