Opening Earlier Version Drawings in CabMaster V10.1

Opening Earlier Version Drawings in CabMaster V10.1

If you are using a Cloud2 Licence, the earliest version of CabMaster you will be able to open is V10.1 

This Document will show you how you can open V8, V9 and V10 drawings in CabMasterV10.1

Note: You cannot import drawings using Designer CL or Designer 3D.

To be able to import a drawing into V10.1 you need to make sure the drawing is saved in the in the default Data folder for V10.1

1. Locating the default Data folder for V10.1 

a. Click on File > Options > File Locations.

b. The Data files location is the default, copy and paste the directory into File Explorer.
    This is where you need to copy and paste your drawings to. 

2. Importing Drawings into CabMaster

a. Open CabMasterProV10.1 and Create a new Drawing.

b. When asked what template to use, Select <None> and 'Use drawing properties'.

c. Click on File > Import > Merge CabMaster Designer Pro drawing.

d. The window that will pop up looks similar to the the Template window. 
    This window shows all the drawings that are saved into the default Data folder.
    Select the Drawing you want to import, make sure 'Use drawing properties' is selected and click OK.

e. Once the Drawing has loaded, Right-Click and Select Refresh.

f. Save the drawing, you may need to check your Job Setup in Drawing Properties to make sure nothing is missing. 

It's no guarantee that machining produced from imported drawings will work exactly as intended every time, If you do have issues with machining, it is recommended to re-draw the problem cabinet/part.