Not able to open PDF Reports directly from CabMaster
Not able to open PDF Reports directly from CabMaster

NOTE: If you have attempted to run Adobe already Task Manager in Windows might still have the program running in a restricted state, which means you will need to 'End Task' on that process before you can get CabMaster to create a PDF document again after changing these settings.
Adobe has an Enhanced Security feature that will block PDF documents from launching if launched from a program running as Administrator (ie: CabMaster). You will need to open Adobe manually and go to the Edit Menu and select the Preferences.
From there you will need to go to the Security (Enhanced) settings and Disable the “Enable
Protected Mode at Startup”.
Now if you re-run CabMaster and run a report again, it should Automatically launch directly to
Adobe PDF.

TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf