Editing Tables in Excel are not putting the data in Columns.
Editing Tables with Excel and not column mapping correctly
If we take the Materials.qlt located in the \Table\ folder.
And drag it and drop it into Excel for editing with the advanced filter
When we drag the file into Excel and get this result:
This is a result of the Materials.qlt being in UniCode
format (which is specific to Chinese language characters because they are in
UniCode not ASCii) Most customers will find it easier to be in ASCii format
instead, and editing with Excel will be more seamless.
Or in the registry
like this:
Now to change this you need to be able to open the Table
again in the Old Table Editor*, which is located in CabMaster in the \Utils\
Once you have then opened the table with the Old
TableEdit.exe* you can edit the Comment section to remove the strange looking
characters (* can also be known as
So now once you have removed the strange looking characters
which are required to let the table understand that it is in UniCode format, it
will default back to ASCii format, which should also be changed in the registry.
Now if you drag this file into Excel you will see the column
layout easier.

TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to our desktop as a .pdf

TableEditV9 is not currently included in newer releases
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