Clean out Cut on Door internal corners
Clean Cut added to Doors Internal Corners
The illustration shows a basic door from DoorMaster without a ‘Clean Cut’.
NOTE: The ‘Clean out 90 degree corners’ option has NOT been ticked as yet.
Add Clean Cut
On the ‘Tools and Offset’ page of the ‘Tooling and Definition’ category for the door.
Select the applicable Layer name from the dropdown as shown. (See note below if one does not exist).
Then simply select which toolpath you wish the clean cut to be associated to.
Here you can see the extra toolpath, shown in red, is now included. Example shows 50mm in each direction.
New Layer – Added to Drawing/Catalog Properties
If there is no existing ‘Layer’ name applicable to the corner clean up on the door, then add in the ‘Tool [Layer Names]’ located on the ‘Tables’ page of the ‘My Setup’ category, as shown.
NOTE: For more on DXF Layer Colours see Help Topics [F1] within software under Machining topic.
A suitable tool can then be created to the ‘Tool library’ in EzyNest.
We will create a 'New' tool called '6mm Corner Cutout'.
Machine Setup
Now you can add the tool into the desired position of the router.
In this example these are the inbuilt EzyNest/EnRoute settings.
Select the ‘ToolChanger’ and ‘Click to edit’ ... the tools as shown below.
To create a strategy, for example an 'Engrave', you just draw a line and select it as shown.
1. Select the Engrave tool
2. Double left click on the desired ‘Available Tool’ to add to strategy.
3. Enter desired ‘Depth’ and also click on Edit ‘...’ to adjust feeds, speeds etc.
4. ‘Save as’ desired Strategy name
Then in ATP

you can:
- Select the desired strategy for the Layer name coming from DoorMaster
- Then Save etc. This will then remember these settings for all future jobs.
NOTE: If the new layer name is not is the list then either ‘Add Layer’ or ‘Use Parts’.
The door now has a toolpath to clean out corners as shown.
NOTE: Offset applied for better.
TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf
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