Appliances and 3D Models V11
Appliances and 3D Models
It is possible to use 3D models which can enhance your designs.
The 3D Models are stored in the Bitmap folder as shown here:
CabMaster assumes that the models have been saved so that they are correctly positioned without the need for any rotation.
See also CabMasterPro Help [F1] Topics from within your software
3D Models exported in the 3DS or 3DM file format can be imported into CabMaster and used to create photo-realistic renders. See the 3D Export document for details.

Each appliance cabinet has the options to display as a ‘Picture’ or a ‘Model’.
The difference is how this is displayed on the 3D drawing. See the images on the next page to see examples of both.
Since some 3D Models can contain more detail than an entire drawing, they can significantly slow down movement in a 3D view if many are used.
To help increase the speed in 3D, unticking the Models checkbox on the Display tab will temporarily hide all models in the drawing. When the viewpoint is in the desired position, reselect this option to make all the models re-appear. See the following screenshot to see where to locate this option.
Using a Bitmap image for the microwave:
Using a 3D model for the microwave:
TIP: Click the attachment to download this HowTo to your desktop as a .pdf
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