Just my initial thoughts / issues I've had after using it for a couple days.
It's been fairly easy to use so far, no major changes from previous versions, so if you're familiar with the software already its hardly a jump switching to this. I've been enjoying some of the added features - the properties sidebar has been quite handy to have, a lot more reliable to finetune positioning and angle of cupboards rather than using the movement options under the 'Insert' tab. I managed to stumble upon the quick lengths and it's a nice to not have to type in my more commonly used distances every time. I haven't yet used the callout tool on any drawings yet, but I can definitely see its value and it's a good addition.
I've just been using it for my typical daily usage so far, haven't tried anything too outlandish as of yet but I have still come across a couple issues:
- Program crashes when ungrouping cupboards (have attached crash logs)
- If you left click select a cupboard/wall and then right click shortly afterwards, the right click menu doesn't disappear. It appears to be linked to the Movement Tool Widget that appears shortly after selecting a cupboard, if you wait until that appears before right clicking, then the menu disappears normally. (I've attached some footage - hopefully it all makes sense)
- Doesn't appear to remember the 'Draw Coordinates' setting - it defaults to 'Page Measurement' upon startup meaning I need to change it to World Measurement every time in order to use the tape measure tool properly
These are more minor issues, nothing dramatic, but they have affected my workflow slightly from previous versions.
- the 'Set Length' field under the insert tab no longer calculates mathematical inputs. i.e. if you input 1500+1800-20 or 1976/2 it used to calculate the resulting figure and have that as the resulting length. Now it just ignores all mathematical operators and just leaves it at the first number - so the previous inputs would have ended up with just 1500 or 1976 in the field.
- When using the dimension tool if I Ctl+dimension to force the dimension to be at 0 degrees, the 3rd click doesn't set positioning of the dimension. (see attached screen cap)
And just a couple suggestions/requests, more creature comfort things than anything else, but I thought I'd put them out there anyway.
Would it be possible to add a separate section to the Job Setup > Materials part of Drawing Properties for Vanities? Most jobs have different colours in the vanities than the kitchen, so I need to manually change the colours for every part that's for a vanity, panels, cupboards etc.
Can the Labour & Construction > Gaps menu for the Floor Drawer cupboards be moved to to the Labout & Construction > Construction menu? It would make it the same as the Floor Door cupboards and would just make it easier adjusting multiple gap sizes as you don't need to flick between the sub menus when changing between a Floor Door and Floor Drawer cupboard.
Hopefully I've been clear with my explanations - let me know if you need me to clarify anything or more info.