Sinks and Cooktops to cutout benchtops
Hi there, I really like the new doors and windows that automatically cutout the wall when they are placed against it, and i think it would be awesome if the same could be done with sinks and cooktops that we can drag onto a benchtop and it would cut the
V12.0.0.78 Render Location
Hi All, A few of our users have updated to version in previous versions the photo view output location would default to the file the job is saved in. In this current version it is not doing this meaning we are manually having to direct the renders
Add Ability to edit/add a point to a dimension line Later
Hi there, I think it would be very useful if you were able to edit or add points on a dimension line after it has been placed, As currently if we need to do this we need to delete and add a totally new dimension line
3D Models displaying in different orientations for different users
Hi All, I have built some 3d models of sinks and some other items to make our 3ds more accurate, Strangely these models function and display correctly for myself and some users while for others they are rolled 90 degrees. Has anyone experienced this and
Drawer spacer adjustment
We make a lot of wardrobe cupboard with internal drawers (behind doors). Using drawer spacers in the past, the drawer runners hang below the spacers - which doesn't look great. When using drawer spacers, is there any way to adjust the position separately
Tilt panel on angle
Is there a way to Lay/Tilt the panel over at the top?
Sliding Doors on Cabinets
We are having trouble putting sliding doors on Cabinets for some office joinery. Any suggestions ??
V11.1 - v12 compatability
Before updating to v12, will version 11.1 drawings have full compatibility within version 12?
Mirror image for Dual Occ designs.
using Cabmaster and trying to find a away to flip a design giving me the mirror image to allow me to export both a left and right version for Dual Occupancy jobs. At this stage I'm drawing both sides as 2 separate jobs but would need a way to save time
Is it possible for hinge positions to automatically move to a set position above the bottom of the top cabinet in a split pantry if it lands on, or too close to a hinge? ie: if a hinge is <50mm from the cabinet split, that hinge will automatically adjust
There needs to be an option under materials for wall 2 door lift and split pantry cabinets to cut as full door and force full door when material is grained - same as there is for drawer cabinets. 100% of the time people want their bi-folding overhead
Wall/Floor tiling
Hi CabMaster Is there any help about wall/floor tiling? And I mean not just where the tile folder is I'm struggling to find the right way to do this properly Please help Thanks Sakis
island joinery elevation
how do I create an elevation of units that are in an island and not attached to a wall?
How to Auto Dimension Elevations ?
Hollaaa Everyone, I know its really easy and handy to use Auto Dimension the Plan View, Does anyone know how to use Auto Dimension On the Elevations ???
reflective mirror 3d model
Does anyone have a 3d model of a mirror that will show a reflection in a 3d render they can send me? I have tried to make my own in Blender but cannot figure it out properly.
print current page
is there a way to set print current page to be the default setting, rather than accidentally printing all 13 pages?
Need help with opening a Cab master file
File keeps coming up with a note 'unexpected file format' and then shutting down the file so I cant open it at all.
Shelf/Mullion Cutouts - Both?
Currently for the cutouts where a mullion and shelf overlap there's only the option to have either the mullion or the shelf. Could we get an option to cutout both? Something similar to the wine racks where it cuts out half the overlap from each part would
The logo is not printing properly
The logo used to be shown at bottom left corner on each page. But the logo image becomes totally black paint when I print the job plan sheet today. Does anyone know how to fix this simple error? Thanks for your help.
Reverting to a Cabinet to use Drawing Properties?
Is there a way to get a cupboard to go back to using the job defaults instead of a constant value (I'm after cupboard height and depth in particular)? At the moment if you change these on an individual cupboard, there isn't a way to revert them back to
Shadow Rail Disappears
Shadow Rail Disappears
Elevation Dimension Oversize?
When using the 'Show Dimensions' with elevations, the font its using is way oversized (see attached image). It used to work just fine for me, have I changed a setting or something? I've had a bit of a look, but haven't been able to find anything that's made a difference.
Kick Face Edging
Can we get an edging option for kick faces? Can't understand why this is not an option.
Making the top drawer in a tall universal into two
Drawing a wardrobe fit out using a tall universal cabinet, mking the bottom section into a bank of 3 drawers and need the top drawer to be split into two equal drawers, is this possible and what would the process be?
Wall End Panel Heights
Can I set up Wall End Panels in the library so that their height off the bench is always a fixed distance lower than that of the door cupboards? We have the doors stick past the carcass bottom 18mm in order to cover the bottom panel of the overhead, so I always need to adjust the height of the end panels to line up. Is it possible at all to use a formula in the Library like HeightOffBench - 18 for the panels, or is there another solution? Just trying to streamline my workflow as much as possible
Colour Selection
Would much rather a colour selection panel as: *Colour A *Colour B *Colour C instead of the current: *Floor *Wall *Tall Most multiple coloured kitchens are not based on floor, wall and tall but rather sections or sides. Current set up makes changing colours incredibly time consuming.
Drawing up job and running really slow then crashing once finished
Leg hole positions are not move. (In Ezynest)
If you want to move leg holes it shows perfectly in CabMaster. (except the 3D leg Model because that don't move) But in Ezynest the machining wrong. Video attached V11
Kickboard Material Fail
In Drawing properties kickboard material doesn’t change automatically when you change panel material. (it shows the wrong color. You have to click “other” or “Carcass” and then back to "panel" manually. Video Attached V11
Slant_shelves and Sink Shelf Fails
Adjustable shelf holes and Tongue & Groove don't follow Slant shelf. Sink Shelf construction holes are the wrong spot on the top. Videos attached.
Wall and Floor Blind Return cabinet Fails
Wall Blind Return: - Carcass Front Goes to the wrong direction. Floor Blind Return: - If You add carcass front the fix shelf tongue longer then the groove. - Carcass front does not have tongue on one side and have unnecessary tongue on the other side. - Front panel does not have height settings. (you cannot use like one of the corner piece, because it should stay flush with the carcass top)
Reflective mirror splashbacks
Is there a mirror splashback in the library that will be reflective in a 3d render (like the picture attached)? If not can you change the properties of a material to be reflective?
Glass Shelves
Is there a way to make transparent glass shelves?
Drawer Back Cutout Problem. (Holes are disappear )
Check the video.
Hinge hole drilling
When drilling hinge holes in doors , would be good if the holes would move to suit nominated door gaps. It only works when entering a minus size. It works for drawer front lugs with no issues but not for hinge holes. Would be great to look at this .
Symbols Scaling
Hi All, Whilst the old problem of scaling from the ture elevation view vs the placed on page elevation view seems to be sorted the new symbols feature seems to still be affected by the same issue. Anyone else have this issue?? Matt
Properties Kick Height Issue
Hi All, Any one have this problem when you enter the kick height in the side bar ir does not change in the pop up as well. Pic attached
Callout changing and Elevations changing on save
Hi All, Rosen Fitout Stage 2 J03 Rev A.pdf is what I have done and want. The other file is what happens when you save it.
Marker Tool
Hi All, My commercial customers like dimesions in certain spots like handle center for tall doors etc. When I use the marker tool in Elevation mode it put the markers on but will not let me click to them so I can dimension to it. Anyone else have that problem??
Updates Available
Hello CabMasters, We have updates available for both the application and library. This addresses some of the issues posted here as well as numerous others. To get updated, please call our Support Team on 03 9040 2000.
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